
Well it has been quite sometime since I have had an opportunity to update my blog. I have been very busy trying to complete Beneath the Mist. My writers group has put me on notice that the book must be complete by the end of the year soooooo. The only thing that I have to share with you is a quick piece that I pened between down time. Enjoy!
Happy Hips
Happy because they hold the story of me on so many grounds; happy because they do this without the utterance of sound.
Happy because the dip in my hip dares to define the strength in this woman in the largeness of her behind.
Happy to break the stereotype that small cute cheeks are all the hype; you can bounce a quarter, nickel or dime if you pitch it just right.
The Hottentot Venus has nothing on me except that we may have budded from the same family tree;
“Hey has anyone told you they can sit a beer on your behind?” Hey has anyone every told you to kiss where the sun does not shine?
Amazing both men and woman is this, the pride that is me and my happy hips.
Artrice Artis © 7/06
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